

Star Wars歡樂仿作


以下有大叔出沒 + Star Wars星際大戰惡搞,無法接受者&盧卡斯粉絲請勿點開!

粉絲的怒喊:The Star Wars That I Used To Know

吐槽版歌詞真是非常犀利爆笑! 即使是稱「迷」都不夠資格的我看了也心有戚戚焉~~ 附上歌詞內容以及一些相關說明:


Now and then I think of when I was in power
Like choking people with the Force until they died
But then you told them all my history
And took away my masculinity
And had my character portrayed by subpar actors.

You are now addicted to an overuse of graphics
And making Greedo shoot first? Han shot first.1
So when you tried to have the Force make sense
You introduced the midichlorians2
And what's the deal with having me be dubbed over (Noooooooooo!)3

But you didn't have to change it all.
Make 'em like they never happened and the fans are nothing
I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a Bantha and that feels so rough
No you didn't have to make them blow
Have your friends direct your movies and they'll turn out better.4
You think that you don't need them though
What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know

What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know
What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know

Now and then I think of all the times I screwed fans over.
I had them believing that the first three films were really done.
But Star Wars will be done my way
I don't care what you have to say
I think that they should let it go
And they'll never get the Blu-Ray of the Star Wars that you used to know

You didn't have to change it all.
No more puppets, no more practical effects or nothin'
I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a wampa and that feels so cold.
No you didn't have to sell your soul
Do we really need to watch them all again in 3D?
Jar Jar was an all time low
What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know

The movies
(I used to know)
The movies
(What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know)

(I used to know)
(That I used to know)
(I used to know)
(That I used to know)

* * * * *

1.因為不夠粉所以查了Wiki才知道;不過,幹嘛改啊?盧大導演~ 原版才符合Han的初始形象吧? 要那麼正派的話,像這位這樣搞好哩~

2.迷地原蟲之謎:由電視劇Lost衍生之討論 雖然我很喜歡Phantom Menace(因為有Liam和Ewan >///<),但弄個微生物什麼的實在不浪漫... 舊版比較像中醫或武俠裡的『氣』,比較有想像空間啦!

3.關於Darth Vader要被重新配音的文章,裡頭也提到歌詞後面的藍光DVD問題。

4. XDDD 舊版3集裡,只有第4集是盧卡斯導的;雖然不確定真讓其他兩人重新掌鏡會怎樣(阿門),但總覺會比新3集不拖沓多了...

5.這邊有粉絲剪了第4集新舊版變更比較(還有其他2集的影片),不計較作者髒話亂飛的話可以看看^+++^  →→ 可以明顯得知新版影像好,但有時舊版的剪輯就是比較合理甚至是好一些。

